ScopeKnob for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows7/8
Give ScopeKnob a trial run!

You've spent hundreds of dollars on a fine air rifle, you are proud to take the the shooting field, you have a great scope mounted up top, and you have a piece of paper with hand drawn lines and your best attempt at printing like a type-writer wrapped around that nice elevation knob. What is it that looks out of place! The ScopeKnob software will print out a professional looking elevation tape as well as side focus yardage tapes. It also includes a ballistics module that will transfer the calculated yardage vs click values directly into your tape. All of this for only $26! More information is here.

ScopeKnob will produce a tape for you with the colors, fonts, and a layout with the field target shooter in mind. Your tapes are saved in a database for easy retrieval. Simply select the tape tape you want to load in the database window and print! This software was designed for field target shooters, by a field target shooter. Screen Shots
ScopeKnob also has an integrated ballistics module! But this is like no other ballistic software available. The problem with current ballistics software is that they calculate the trajectory based upon the aerodynamic properties of a particular pellet. Rarely will the trajectory match your gun on the first pass. You need to go back, make adjustments, and try again, and again...
This is where the ballistics module in ScopeKnob is unique. Once you have printed your first tape, you zero in 27 yards. Now you shoot a 12 yard target, as well as a 50 yard target, making note of the number of clicks from the 27 yard tick. You simply enter these two numbers back into he ballistics modules, and it interatively does a reverse calculation of the ballistics, and adjusts the tape to match your real world results. Will it be accurate now? Of course! Because, it just matched the tape to your ACTUAL ballistics!
To order the software, the startup screen gives the option to order ScopeKnob. Selecting this will run the secure credit card ordering program. Your unlock key will be emailed to you within a day, and normally within a few hours.
Please select the link to begin your download. Thank you for trying out our software!