upgrade to CompuFoil3D from CompuFoil2000? After all, CompuFoil2000 has been
working well for you right? Aside from the vast list of enhancements below, CompuFoil2000
was maintained to allow for use on the old 16 bit Windows 3.1 operating system.
This automatically limited the user to not having many of the conveniences of
the modern 32 bit operating system, such as long file names, etc. CompuFoil3D
is compiled for use on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and Win7 operating systems.
CompuFoil3D vs CompuFoil2000
Base Program
Auto Lightening Hole Generation
Lightening Holes can be automatically generated - automatically avoiding spars. Double click to selectively turn holes on and off within a rib.
Station Lines
Station lines for both Foam Template as well as use for full rib subdivision
Foam templet type station lines only
Movable/ DockableToolbars
Toolbars may be docked to edges of screen
Turn on/off only
Long filenames
Full long filename support
Limited to eight characters
Conic Bulkhead Generating Wizard
Easily generate bulkhead shapes with conic curve edges
Configurable sheeting
User may define starting/ending ribs
Sheeting applies to all ribs
Leading edge reinforcing strips
Strips inset at leading edge for reinforcement
Adjustable line width
User adjustable printed width of lines
Manual editing of .ini file
Update availability
Automatically checks for updates and handles installation
Splash screen customization
User may select images to be used for flying planes
Print Preview
32 tiling configuration options, with up to 100 pages displayed
Two page limit side-by-side
Leading Edge Roundstock
Selected holes can be "turned off" so as not to print
Page Numbering
Pages are numbered according to row and column
Selected notches can be "turned off" so as not to print
Visual indication of modified/moved leading edge round stock
Altered holes have a 'X' center point rather than "+"
Common button graphics
Common selection buttons such as "Apply", "Cancel", etc have common bitmaps for quicker reference
Modification Module
Pressure profiles calculated around surface
Cp plotted in real time as airfoil is altered
Multiple Undo/Redo capacity
Limited to last modification
Reflex Wizard
Allows for trailing edge reflex
Multi Rib Flare Wizard
Multiple lofted ribs may be flared
Only individual ribs may be flared
Spar Slots
Tubular spars
Tubular spars for both surface notches as well as full depth spars
Tubular spars for surface notches only
Spar highlight identification
Currently selected spar is highlighted for easy identification
Spar rotation
Spar may be rotated about center to any angle
Jig/Construction Holes
Possible Number
Five Groups of two holes
Two holes only
Configurable starting/ending position
Holes run through all ribs
Rotate holes due to washout about leading edge hole
Holes always rotate relative to leading edge
Individual dihedral angle for each hole group
Hole highlight
Current holes being worked on are highlighted
Visual indication of modified/moved holes
Altered holes have a 'X' center point rather than '+'
3D Rendering
(new to 3D version)
Render wing as sheeted, skeletal, or line drawing
Dihedral Angle
Each panel may have a separate dihedral angle
Washout transition
Both Geometric and proportional washout distributions.
Proportional washout transition only
Auto Tab Height
Automatically adjust building tab heights to generate flat top wing surface
Scaled Printouts
Print out scaled wing layouts that fit on one page
Multiple foam template sets
Selection for height adjustment for straight top surface or dihedral angle
Selection for height adjustment for straight top surface only
Geodetic Lofting
(new to 3D version)
Create ribs that cross from one forward
rib to another
different rib configurations available
DXF Ouput
User define scaling factor
User defined image offset
Rib Spacing
User defined gap between rib images
CNC-DXF Outline
(new to 3D version)
Create outline only dxf file.
Generates clean polyline of rib outline, including spar
slots for CNC cutter use. May also define cutter offsets. Can generate .dxf file
in 3D for milling purposes.