If you are a current registered owner of the original CompuFoil Professional for Windows, CompuFoil98,
or CompuFoil2000, you are entitled upgrade discounts on CompuFoil3D. You do not need to have your
version of CompuFoil installed in order to upgrade. The upgrade is simply a price adjustment which
is verified by out user database. If you have the diskette available, including your serial number
will facilitate looking up your record.
The best way to upgrade is to simply download and install CompuFoil3D. The opening window will give
the option to order the software. This will start the secure
credit card ordering program. You simply will need to check off the appropriate upgrade option.
CompuFoil Professional for Windows: This software was available
from 1995 to 1998. The version number was shown as v1.xx. Your upgrade will give you a 20% discount
on any selected modules. If you owned the airfoil library before, do not check off that module. It
will be included for free.
CompuFoil98: This software was available
from 1998 to 2000. The version number was shown as v2.xx. Your upgrade will give you a 60% discount
on any selected modules. If you owned the airfoil library before, do not check off that module. It
will be included for free.
CompuFoil2000: This software was available
from 2000 to 2004. The version number was shown as v3.xx. For a limited time,
your upgrade will cost you only $42! You will receive for free, upgrades to all of your current
modules. The three new modules, 3D Rendering, Geodetic Ribs, and CNC-DXF Outline, are not included
in the upgrade. You simply check the CompuFoil2000 Upgrade option, and any of the new modules you
would like to include as well.
For your
convenience, the demo download also includes a secure credit
card ordering program, which allows you to select the different
modules. The ordering utility can be launched
by selecting the Order Software button on the startup
screen. Once you enter your registration number, the software becomes a full working copy.
more about CC_Order...
When will I receive my registration code?
We know that you want your software NOW, and we do care to provide quick service. After verifying your registration data and obtaining credit card approval, we will reply within 8 hours (usually 2-5 hours) with an e-mail containing your License Key to unlock your evaluation version. If you use spam filtering software, please remember to add " @compufoil.com" to your list of acceptable e-mail senders.
If you don't receive your License Key within 24 hours, please e-mail us as there is most likely a problem with your order, or we couldn't send registration information to your original e-mail address due to your Anti-SPAM system.