SoarSoft Software CompuFoil3D - The complete Airfoil Template System
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Spar Slot Setup - Part of the SparSlot/JigHole Module

Spar Window
CompuFoil3D's Spar setup is incredibly versatile.

You have the ability to define up to 20 spar layouts. As each spar is selected, the spar itself becomes highlighted in the window for easy reference.

Simply select how your spar location is referenced, whether it is a full depth spar, or a surface notch, give the root and tip dimensions, and CompuFoil calculates the size and position of the slot on every rib.


Structured Hole Setup - Part of the SparSlot/JigHole Module

Spar Window CompuFoil3D's Structured Hole setup is versatile as well. With it, you can lay out holes for use with a building jig, such as the Adjusto-Jig, lightening holes, joiner tube holes, alignment pin holes, etc.

You have the ability to define up to five hole layout groups, with each group containing two holes. As each hole group is selected, the holes themselves becomes highlighted in the window for easy reference.

Simply select how your hole is to be referenced, give the root and tip dimensions, and CompuFoil calculates the size and position of the hole on every rib.

Holes may be subsequently resized simply by double clicking on them. By grabbing the handles, you can easily stretch and move the hole to any location.



Performing a right mouse button double-click, will open the direct hole parameter entry window.

Here you can enter in both the size and location of the hole. You can also elect to hide this hole so that it will not be printed, or to set all the holes of the same group on the rest of the ribs to the same dimensions.




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